Impress Your Party Guests: Decorative, Frozen Bottle
Want something fun and unique to impress your party guests? Try this lovely touch to bottle and freeze your favorite flowers inside!
See below for instructions:
Step 1:
Submerge a full bottle of vodka or other alcohol into a fully opened cardboard milk or juice carton filled partially with water
Step 2:
Add flowers, herbs, or thinly sliced fruit to the water and place the carton upright in the freezer until the water is frozen.
Step 3:
Repeat the process; doing it in stages allows the contents to freeze floating in the water rather than sinking to the bottom.
Step 4:
When the liquid is completely frozen, take the carton from the freezer and remove the carton from the ice block by cutting the sides of the box open.
Step 5:
Display liquor on a tray lined with folded cloths to catch drips as the ice thaws.
Step 6:
After using, simply reinsert the bottle and any remaining ice block into another carton, add water, and refreeze!