New Year's Eve Treat
While we all look forward to the anticipated champagne toast during New Year's Eve, one of my favorite things to do is add in a delicious dessert! A chocolate mousse with expresso ice cream has come to be quite the crowd pleaser and my go-to dessert on occasions such as this one. Treat your guests to a delicious surprise with this fabulous recipe!
Chocolate Mousse With Espresso Ice Cream:
2 (9.7-ounce) dark chocolate bars, preferably Scharffen Berger, Valrhona, or other good-quality European-style chocolate, 1 bar for melting and 1 bar, grated, for garnish
11⁄2 cups heavy cream
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
3 large egg yolks
1⁄2 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
Espresso Ice Cream (see recipe below)
Cacao nibs (for garnish, preferably Scharffen Berger) 8 wineglasses
1. Place 1 dark chocolate bar (broken into pieces) in top pan of a double boiler and continuously stir over low heat until the chocolate has fully melted. Remove from heat and let stand.
2. In a separate bowl, beat cream with a whisk until it holds stiff peaks. In another small bowl, whisk eggs and yolks together, add sugar and salt, and whisk until foamy. Add a spatula full of chocolate to egg mixture and fold in, then add all the egg mixture to the chocolate and blend until just combined. Add a spatula full of the chocolate mixture to the cream and gently fold in, barely mixing. Add the whipped cream to the chocolate and mix until just blended. (This is called the liaison technique, which allows the mixture to slowly adjust to new ingredients without curdling.)
3. Divide evenly among 8 wineglasses and cover each with plastic wrap. Chill at least 5 hours. For best results, chill overnight.
4. To serve, scoop a portion of Espresso Ice Cream into each glass of mousse. Shave remaining chocolate bar with a grater over ice cream and add cacao nibs. Serve immediately.
Espresso Ice Cream:
2 quarts organic vanilla ice cream, softened 6 tablespoons ground espresso beans
Place softened ice cream in bowl of a standing mixer and add espresso. Mix with the paddle attachment until blended. Return to freezer until ready to serve.
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