Stylish Entertaining: Auld Lang Syne
Major accomplishments, family and friends should be acknowledged throughout the year but since 2014 is rapidly approaching, we will focus on New Year’s Eve. This particular year Robin and Hilton Howell hosted the beautiful soiree where we spent the day together preparing for a festive dinner to bid adieu to the old year and ring in the new.

Spicy cold vodka frozen in blocks of ice at a vodka bar not only provided entertainment but complimented the briny taste of caviar set out in servers with blinis and crème fraiche.
A decadent Caviar Pie made quite a few guests smile when they saw it. Chef Shaun Doty prepared a spectacular menu inspired by traditional Southern fare—and if having Shaun cooking in house was not enough, we got an impromptu cooking lesson! Dinnertime conversation turned to resolutions and a midnight countdown concluded in a festive welcoming of the New Year.