Pioneer Linens: Family Owned Since 1912
When it came to designing my Palm Beach Redo Numéro Deux condo, there was no question on who I was going to for all of my linen needs. Pioneer Linens has been a local staple in Palm Beach since 1912. Family owned for four generations, this business offers the best of the best and I absolutely adored working with them! I love family owned businesses because it adds a personal touch. While working on this project I was able to find out a little bit more about the rich history behind Pioneer Linens while working with the lovely Marissa Murphy. Keep scrolling to find out more!
Q: How did you get your start?
A: Our family business has been around for over 100 years, and has passed through 4 generations – so it’s always been a part of us. I think what makes our store special is the way each generation has adapted Pioneer Linens to be relevant to the community at that time. My great-grandfather started the business in 1912, as a hardware supply company for local frontiersmen. His son, my grandfather George Greenberg started helping at Pioneer Linens at age 8. In the 50’s, my grandfather George witnessed the developing growth of Palm Beach Island happening across the bridge, and he took the opportunity to transition the store into a purveyor of luxury bed linens, bathroom decor and table accessories to accommodate the needs of the high-end homes. My mother, Penny Murphy took over the business in the 90’s during the internet boom, and she brought the company online so we could reach a global market. During the last decade, my younger sister Camille Kubicek and I have worked side-by-side with our mother, as she passes down her knowledge to us. The next phase in the coming years is for Camille and I grow our private label collections and custom Bespoke program into a global brand name.
Q: Where do you find inspiration, and how do you make sure you are constantly innovating?
A: Camille travels to Europe, seeing and learning from the finest textile artisans in the world. Our family’s company is constantly innovate because we listen to the requests of client by creating new custom luxury home décor in our private label. Also, we make custom sized linens and do motif matching in our embroidery program. Plus, digitized logos and intricate monograms is our specialty.
Q: How do you find balance between your work and personal life?
A: Personal life? …What’s that? I live down the street from our store – so I’m often at Pioneer Linens during off hours. I’m a newlywed and thankfully my husband is very understanding of my dedication to my work. However, I do find time to assist on this year’s chair committee for the Center for Family Service annual Old Bags Luncheon and The Society of Four Arts annual Contemporaries Gala.
Q: What’s the best/worst part of owning/running your own business?
A: Best part: carrying out our family’s legacy. Worst part: a never-ending work day.
Q: What is some advice you have for women seeking to start a career in your industry or business in general?
A: Listen, observe, and trial by error.
Q: What advice would you give your younger self?
A: Appreciate your free time and travel as much as you can while you have that free time.
Q: What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment to date?
A: Keeping the family business growing each year alongside with my mother and sister.
Q: Has living in West Palm Beach influenced your style, aesthetic or business in any way?
A: Oh, definitely. Our holiday ad is a Pioneer Linens gift bag with our pink logo and pink nutcracker in front of a palm tree-lined Palm Beach swimming pool. I don’t think you see that sort of holiday marketing in the northeast.
Q: What can you share with others from your specialty?
A: Our specialty is to really take the time to understand what the client is looking to find to décor their home. We never say no and we often send the client or designer home with homework to better assist in order to find or make the perfect home décor item.
Q: How would you define your personal style?
A: ...Still defining.
Q: Who are your personal style icons?
A: The Palm Beach chic Danielle Rollins, Carleton Varney and Amanda Lindroth.
Q: What trait do you most admire in a person?
A: Integrity.
Q: What does your style say about you?
A: Grand-Millennial.
Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
A: Ice Cream Sundae at the Palm Beach Grill.
Q: Who/what has been your greatest professional influence? Personal influence? Why?
A: My mother, Penny Murphy. It’s an absolute privilege working each day with my mother. My mother is always teaching me how to be patient when circumstance may not go as they should. Also, she taught me how to answer questions that I may not want to give an exact answer at the time of the question. Most importantly she’s taught me to always be humble and grateful, which she learned from her father and mentor, George Greenberg.
Q: What can we look forward to next from you?
A: Growing Pioneer Linens custom private label within the textile industry. Pioneer Linens over the last two years has created a line of embroidered bed linens, bath towels, and accessories to add unique designs to the growing interior design market.