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Article: Gracious Living: 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway - 5 Golden O・Venture Key Rings

Gracious Living:  12 Days of Christmas Giveaway - 5 Golden O・Venture Key Rings

Gracious Living: 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway - 5 Golden O・Venture Key Rings

What a fantastic concept from three amazing ladies!  Caroline Nix, Jennifer Neuhoff and Janie Cooke founded O-Venture - the big O key ring and this is my next great 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!   Don't forget to subscribe to my website and leave a comment at the bottom of my Dear Danielle page.


The question we’re most asked is:  How did you come up with the idea for O-Venture?  The answer is simple:  The company and our first product, the Big O, were born from a unique place and time in our lives.

As mothers and friends, we were looking for a way to spend our time that was not self indulgent, but rather a way to tap into our creativity and brainpower.   And, we wanted to help other women, too!

We sat down with one question:  How can we make women’s lives easier?  We realized the idea was right in front of us – actually weighing us down as we talked.  It was time to free ourselves from the unnecessary baggage we had been carrying around daily (and literally)! If we could lighten a woman’s load and give her another set of hands simultaneously, we would really be on to something.  From this, the Big O concept came to life.

Our goal is to make women’s lives easier one small detail at a time while putting a smile on their faces.  We believe all women deserve the whole package, a blend of style and substance - even in their accessories!  Designed by women for women, O-Venture is all about knowing what women need and giving them what they want.